Stuart's Travel

..and bar

I had an early start again today. Not really from choice, the traffic noise from 8 feet from my head was a little too much to sleep past around 5.30am. At 8am I was in the car, far earlier than planned. I passed Lake Taupo, larger and more protected than Lake Rotorua, line along its […]

Visiting Wales

Rolling green hills covered in farm animals. Quarries in the distance. Overpriced fuel and roads moving too slowly past empty roadworks. Incessant excessive rain and a passion for rugby. It seems I travelled half the planet to visit Wales. The day started brightly. Actual sunshine, dry concrete below the car, a chance to view the […]


Halfway through my holiday! I woke up, sent an email, then the keyboard broke. The x and c keys started giving me both letters from a single press. The 1 and 2 keys did the same, but with 1 and 2, 3 and 4 also being generous. The more interesting combination was V and the […]

The bat is buggered

I woke up early today but a comfortable bed and knowing that my day would start with laundry made it easy to snooze back into dreamland for a while longer. When eventually I did rise I went hunting for the hotel laundry. A single washer and dryer it was hiding on another floor only accessible […]

Seeing Sydney

The problem with sensibly early nights is that they lead to stupidly early starts. At 6am I was admiring Sydney. Stood on the aft deck I had a strange sensation the world was overtaking us, but it was just the 90,000 ton ship I was stood on reversing through a harbour. At 7.30am I was […]

That night

The stupidest thing is that Thursday evening could have been the best night of the cruise. Definitely the best meal I’ve had for a month, tomato and fennel soup an excellent prelude to the Chicken Scaloppini, supposedly ‘regionally inspired’ but quite clearly Italian not Australian. It’s not even the name that gives it away, the […]


I returned to the ship. The air conditioning in my room drove me mad, constant noise. I went for a walk, to find coffee. The lift makes noise, someone upstairs was hoovering, lots of people in the Lido chatting. On deck there’s music, on every deck the air conditioning exhausts blow loudly. I walked off […]

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