The day started earlier than intended, that dreaded hotel sleep interruption: The fire alarm. A loud siren. Silence. A loud siren again. Another pause, before it kicked in a third time. This time when it went silent it stayed off. I checked the time, just past 7am, too early to get dressed and start the […]
Category: Liverpool
In Liverpool!
My decision not to buy breakfast turned out wise. I was possibly up in time, but it would’ve been rushed. Instead I did my usual trawl of current affairs, then headed out just before 10am. Liverpool was still clearing up from the night before, the city centre no different to any others in the UK, […]
To Liverpool!
Travelling isn’t fun. Exploring is, meandering at your own pace, stopping arbitrarily as takes your fancy, discovering new sights and experiences. I was travelling though, a bus, a train, no meandering possible, straight there. On the plus side it was quick, even with the train getting me to Liverpool 15 minutes late. Five minutes after […]