Category: Berlin

Bye-bye Berlin

There seems to be something mentally blocking me from sleeping the night before a flight. I tried, but it wasn’t working. Instead I was awake through until it was time for a shower before the hotel restaurant opened for breakfast. If you turn up when they open they’re a bit short on food. Half the […]

Total Twits Throw Tourist Tender To Triumphant Tour Touts Then Take Terrible Trabant Trips

Today’s update starts with a personal message: Hello, staff of the hotel I’m staying in. They must be reading: it’s the only explanation for the changes since yesterday. A blackboard in the restaurant now advertises a range of breakfast options from €7-12, the chef has learned how to make scrambled egg and the coffee machine […]

Berlin by Bus

Took a peek this morning at that €24 breakfast. Sure, if you like 17 cheeses, a range of sliced meats, four varieties of croissant and brownies for breakfast. Sadly the bacon was horrific (more fat than bacon, marinaded in its own grease, left on the side long enough to cool and congeal), their scrambled egg […]

Back to Berlin

Ah, the joys of a 4am start to the airport. It’s close enough to taxi but at £43 the parking works out cheaper than the return trip. No checked luggage means no aerosols or shampoo for the week. Which is a silly constraint, and that’s why I forgot to omit these items from my carry-on. […]