There was a surprising amount of interest in the towel zoo when I mentioned it. So I’ve posted all 82 photographs for you to groan at. This is not quality photography. But a hint of what’s to come:
Author: Stuart
Still Processing
I’m still processing photographs from the long trip but did end up creating an animated gif from some I took in New Zealand.
Eighty-Eight Days
741775 steps 16 car journeys (someone else driving) 6855 photographs 5 flights 4 cruises 1 funicular 8 train trips 1 catamaran 30 bus journeys 1 cable car 21 boat rides 1 boat that sank 599.91km walked 0 items accidentally left behind and lost 9 currencies brought back 2 items damaged beyond recovery 2 items damaged […]
Home and happiness
The flight started badly, overhead luggage locker tetris. Decades of computer gaming pay off and I get my bag and jackets in. An hour into the flight the guy in front leans his seat back. I end up with a screen a hand span from my face, far too close, no way of avoiding it. […]
Sat behind a woman getting sms messages for the first time in a couple of days. On her screen, “He lost his first tooth on Friday!” Her reply started with OMG which made me smile. You don’t expect 65 year old women to type that. She didn’t. She kept going: OMGoodness. I found that even […]
One more sleep
Now that it’s too late to panic my mother, I can reveal that I’ve been to four of the world’s ten most dangerous cruise ports on this trip. As a re-reading of my travelogue will show, I also went wandering well off the tourist tracks in more than one of them. Never had an issue, […]
Final sea day
My last ‘sea day’ of the trip, so I’ve splashed out on internet access. Mainly to watch the cricket, although I’ve also just opened 105 web pages from just one work related news site. That’s just two weeks worth of updates too. Plans for the day were to keep up with the cricket score (looks […]
No cricket
I ended up in the coffee shop for 40 minutes, quickly catching up on the news, email, some other stuff. Started to organise people dancing the first weekend I’m back, found out someone else is also trying to get a party going at the same place. Excellent! 🙂 The coffee shop did not reflect the […]
American Virgins
I saw a lot of American school children today. Mainly because I was off the ship and walking past their school into their residential areas while they were heading to a day in class. As America goes St Thomas looks poor and run down. Chickens roam free while small dogs yap behind fences. I want […]
Antigua but not Barbuda
It’s the day before the second Test in Antigua, and there are three cruise ships in port. So local services and sights will be under siege from the usual horde of old wealthy people but this time supplemented by inevitably inebriated cricket fans. As the P&O cruise ship entered the harbour I was again bemused […]