
32 hours without sleep at this point which may explain the stupid thing I just did.

I fell in love. With a city.

The first two hours were frustrating waiting for the hire car. Then 90 minutes of raw hilarity: the roads here are a joy and an experience. Then a 8-10km walk down a boulevard, into a medina, through countless souks and finally, ignoring dire warnings not to go down a dark deserted alley, into the part of the medina tourists don’t know exists, where instead of selling tourist tat the craftsmen and women were clearing up after a day making it, where stalls sold things you need to live, where children played and men gossiped, where four second hand pushchairs comprised someone’s entire business – and where someone that didn’t share a language with me gave me a properly excellent and filling minced beef sandwich for 65p.

You need to come to Marrakech.

Today’s Drive:

Tonight’s Hotel.

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