Month: January 2019

Caribbean Cruise

On the ship my cabin is kind of ok. I’d swap the 40″ TV for somewhere to put my suitcase. The ship itself is both excellent and terrible. It’s very obviously newer than the others I’ve been on, looking and feeling more modern. It’s also larger, so there are some additional services, such as a […]

The end is nigh

Today I embark on the penultimate leg of this journey. (The final leg is the trip home). Sadly that means minimal and dodgy internet for another 12 days, so don’t panic if updates are infrequent. I fell asleep at 9pm last night, woke up at 2.30 due to traffic noise, woke up again at 5.30am […]

No Manatees

I pulled on a t-shirt this morning, one I’d bought a couple of days ago and washed before wearing. As feared hanging the laundry to dry in a smelly hotel room has left my ‘clean’ clothing stinking of stale cigarettes. Not impressed at all, but also can’t sensibly redo two full laundry loads. Guess I’m […]

Lies and Extortion

It could’ve been a better day. Starting 123 miles from Key West is fine, turning left out of the hotel and being told by the satnav, “Stay on this road for 123 miles” is fine. The bridges over the ocean failing to fulfil my hopes and dreams is fine – they did meet my expectations, […]

erm. Yee haw?

I woke up in the dark, was up before the sun, drinking coffee while waiting for my laundry to finish. I’m not sure if the sun rose, it certainly wasn’t in sight. By 8.15 I was driving through a thunderstorm back into the Everglades, multiple roads flooded, large puddles on the others. I got there, […]

Vicious addiction

Woken this morning by everybody else getting off the ship. I’d booked car hire for noon so there wasn’t much point in being the first off, would’ve just ended up sat in downtown Fort Lauderdale waiting for it. Free coffee if I wait on board, and a little more comfort. I did get out onto […]

The Bahamas

It’s nice to see the Bahamas when you emerge from your room, seeking coffee. We were already stationary by then, the tender to shore starting service while I made my way back down to my cabin. Half an hour later I was on it, landing on Half Moon Cay and going for a 3km walk. […]


Getting over jet lag – or indeed large diesel-electric engine lag – isn’t helped by a morning with no requirement to get out of bed. I didn’t even wake up until after 9am and that wasn’t a trigger to get up, another 40 minutes snoozing in and out of dreams. I’m not a fan of […]

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