That night

The stupidest thing is that Thursday evening could have been the best night of the cruise. Definitely the best meal I’ve had for a month, tomato and fennel soup an excellent prelude to the Chicken Scaloppini, supposedly ‘regionally inspired’ but quite clearly Italian not Australian. It’s not even the name that gives it away, the chicken was cooked through but felt very light and it came with a sauce that could only be Italian and that tasted excellent.

A chocolate sundae to finish made it a fantastic meal all round.

I went to the entertainment too, a Tasmanian magician short on jokes but strong in wit to work with his audience. His magic was competent too, variants on standard tricks delivered well and with his own twists.

So I should have had a great evening. Instead I was coming to the realisation that I might be properly poorly, every indoor part of the ship feeling cold to me except my cabin, its thermostat set to maximum temperature. A jumper helped, although going back off the ship for some air suggested the ship’s aircon may be the issue as I overheated in the warm breeze that was rapidly becoming a strong wind.

The ship’s aircon wouldn’t explain the dizziness I’m getting at times. This feels like the cold was merely phase one of something nastier, in which case I have to hope that it’ll hit tomorrow and leave me mobile and able to enjoy myself on Saturday. I have dancing to do then.

I was ready for bed before 10pm, although the clocks revert to Sydney’s timezone overnight, a loss of an hour’s sleep. A sea day tomorrow so rising late will not be a problem. Not that rising early today had made a difference, trapped in an industrial port for the day.

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