I saw more boats in the marina when I went to find one that would return me to the ship. The police have a very large catamaran, larger than the one I eventually boarded.
Back on board I could finally remove my shoes, then try and take off my socks without ripping the blister off my blister. My sock had become part of my foot so that was a lost cause.
Healing blisters on a cruise ship is bloody hard. The issue isn’t even the going ashore part, it’s that just getting a drink of water requires you to wear shoes. No wandering around barefoot allowed, even though that’s exactly what my foot needs. I guess it makes sense, my foot doesn’t need exposure to the infested filth other people have dangling from their ankles.
Five large coffees and much water into the day I still hadn’t needed a trip to the loo. I think this is because moisture is leaving my body through my nose. I decimated the cafe’s supply of napkins and it’s a good job my cabin came with two full boxes of tissues. The cold is as bad as any I’ve had in the past decade when it comes to creation of mucus.
It’s frustrating and I was kind to my fellow passengers, avoiding the dining room and lido as much as possible, including skipping dinner. I also passed on a potentially interesting lecture and the evening’s entertainment; even though the cold almost certainly came from someone sat behind me while watching a film the other day I’m not going to reciprocate. I want to sit there sniffing and snorting almost as little as everybody else wants me to.
Sadly that extended to the Indonesian crew show. We didn’t get one on the previous ship and so I’ll have to hope for one on the next instead.
Moris knocked on my door, wanting to do whatever the hell they do in the evenings. Clean the bathroom? Roy makes the bed, if I stopped him during their morning visit, and the evening is when they leave tomorrow’s schedule, cruise line branded chocolate and towels screwed up to look like creatures. Moris gave me the printed schedule and two chocolates, and bid me goodnight.
I call them chocolates, but I wouldn’t wager on them containing cocoa. They’re very American in construction, low grade sugar substitutes.
This was all at 7.30pm, which is when I left my cabin for the final time of the day. Another coffee from the Lido, brought back down and I got ready for bed. Sea day tomorrow and with room service I would have to decide whether to even get dressed, let alone leave the cabin. Avoiding the Lido and other parts of the ship would mean my foot could remain bare, might heal, and hiding under a duvet might help the cold. Choices…
I did stay awake until gone 10pm, the 5km walked not making me tired enough to sleep before that.