Month: December 2018

Forever Monday

Getting four hours sleep by 9pm was great. Getting only two more for the rest of the night was definitely not. I gave up in the end, got up, packed for the flight and headed out. When I left the motel I didn’t set the satnav. Instead I vaguely headed towards where I knew the […]


I started the day in a bad mood. Something to do with 3 hours sleep, 3 hours trying to sleep then getting up before 7am because of the noise from other guests. They weren’t making much noise at all, but every weight change made the floor creak, I knew precisely when they had a shower […]

..and bar

I had an early start again today. Not really from choice, the traffic noise from 8 feet from my head was a little too much to sleep past around 5.30am. At 8am I was in the car, far earlier than planned. I passed Lake Taupo, larger and more protected than Lake Rotorua, line along its […]

Visiting Wales

Rolling green hills covered in farm animals. Quarries in the distance. Overpriced fuel and roads moving too slowly past empty roadworks. Incessant excessive rain and a passion for rugby. It seems I travelled half the planet to visit Wales. The day started brightly. Actual sunshine, dry concrete below the car, a chance to view the […]


Halfway through my holiday! I woke up, sent an email, then the keyboard broke. The x and c keys started giving me both letters from a single press. The 1 and 2 keys did the same, but with 1 and 2, 3 and 4 also being generous. The more interesting combination was V and the […]

The bat is buggered

I woke up early today but a comfortable bed and knowing that my day would start with laundry made it easy to snooze back into dreamland for a while longer. When eventually I did rise I went hunting for the hotel laundry. A single washer and dryer it was hiding on another floor only accessible […]

Seeing Sydney

The problem with sensibly early nights is that they lead to stupidly early starts. At 6am I was admiring Sydney. Stood on the aft deck I had a strange sensation the world was overtaking us, but it was just the 90,000 ton ship I was stood on reversing through a harbour. At 7.30am I was […]

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